Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Jesse's In The House!

Ok, I am trying to be fair here. But it is difficult. Jesse Jackson shows up at the 11th hour to show support for Terri. Hmmm.... Where has he been for almost 2 weeks?

Lets face it. The longer she hangs on the more gruesome it becomes. The moderates on this are getting queasy. The "natural death' aint happening and the longer she hangs on the more barbaric it seems. The Democrats do not want to be seen as the party of death. Hillary, as usual, stays out of it so she can say what she needs to say when the time comes for her to run for President.

So they send in Jesse Jackson. "We must temper the law with mercy," he says. Where was his mercy last week? Sorry. This isn't cutting it for me.

I used to have a great deal of respect for Jesse Jackson. In the early 70's he brought hundreds of blacks to register to vote for the first time to the court house in downtown Jackson, Mississippi. My Father was Circuit Clerk of Hinds County at the time. (He ran the court house) Jesse didn't get there until 3:00pm. The courthouse closes at 5:00pm. There was no way to get that many registered in that amount of time so my Dad kept the courthouse open and paid his staff out of his own pocket. I handed out registration forms.

Jesse was inspiring then. He was a charasmatic speaker and he was passionate and caring . I met him briefly. Later that year he spoke at the Right To Life march in Washington D.C. He said "Never let them tell you that a fetus isn't a person, that is what they said about the Negro."

He gave up that position when he ran for President. The Democratics don't allow that kind of talk from their candidates. Once in the late 80's, Nat Henthoff, a liberal but pro-life writer for the Village Voice at the time was on a plane with Jackson. He asked him about that quote and if he still believed that. Jesse told him he would get back to him on that with a full explanation. He never did.

I don't like sell outs. I don't like men who cheat on their wives. I don't like people who get so caught up in their own fame they forget what they were fighting for.

I can't know what is in Jesse Jackson's heart. I hope he is sincere about his wanting the world to show compassion for Terri. But it seems a little too well timed. It seems too staged.

It seems too late.