Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Dispelling Myth From The Left.

How many times have you heard from the left how our invasion of Iraq created so many of the terrorists? How many time have you heard that our presence in Iraq caused the hatred??

Victor Davis Hanson has an excellent paper proving that not true.

He reports how the International Herald Tribune and the Washington Post interviewed a Syrian smuggler of jihadists to Iraq, Abu Ibrahim and he describes "that two weeks after the (Sept. 11th) attack, a celebration was held in his rural Syrian community celebrating the mass murder, and thereafter continued twice-weekly." And he goes on to quote Abu, "that Syrian officials attended such festivities, funded by Saudi money with public slogans that read, "The People ...Will Now Defeat the Jews and Kill Them All."

Abu says "that the goal of the jihadists is the restoration of the ancient caliphate ("The Koran is a constitution, a law to govern the world") and that " September 11 was "a great day."

There is much more, so read the whole thing. But this is the key point:

"First, there was always radical Islamic anti-American hatred that preceded Iraq. Indeed, celebrations were spontaneous immediately after September 11 on the mere news of slaughtered Americans."

So we need to dispute this false message that the left keeps putting out there that we are creating the terrorists.

But Hanson hits the nail on the head with this last paragraph:

"This is a dangerous trend. Despite murderous Syrian terrorists, dictatorial Saudis, crazy Pakistanis, and triangulating European allies, and after so many tragic setbacks, we are close to creating lasting democratic states in Afghanistan and Iraq — states that are influencing the entire region and ending the old calculus of Middle Eastern terror. We are winning even as we are told we are losing. But the key is that the American people need to be told — honestly and daily — how and why those successes came about and must continue before it sours on the entire sorry bunch."