Sunday, February 19, 2006

This pretty much sums up the Washington Press Corp.

The Captain has this hilarious exchange between Chris Wallace and former Senator Alan Simpson:

WALLACE: So, many up here, Senator -- and we love your tour of this whole event -- what does the last week tell us, or should tell us, about Washington, about the politicians, about the press corps?

SIMPSON: Well, it tells you that you should listen to Lindsay Graham and Evan Bayh and that really there is cooperation. But what it really tells you -- what are we going to expect out of our national press corps, and especially the Washington press corps, when something really happens? How are we to trust, after a whole week of absolute drivel and babble -- and people interviewing themselves! [mimicking reporters] "Uh, what do you think about Cheney?" [makes a face] Jay Leno and David Letterman asked them, "How would you feel if this happened to you?" Let me tell you, the American people are really waiting with a sense of glee when something really, really happens in America, and I suppose they'll just have a catatonic stroke and pitch forward on their faces.

W: So I take it, Senator, that you really miss this place?

S: [Claps hands and laughs] Oh, no, I do! I loved it, I did, I loved it. And I loved it because it was fun. I have a lot of pals on both sides of the aisle. I worked with President Clinton, enjoyed him, President Bush, President Carter, good people doing good things. But let me tell you, you'll never find it if you just follow the Washington media. You'll never know the good -- all you'll get is controversy, crap, and confusion.

W: [laughing] Well, there you go, there's a slogan. I've got to put that on a bumper sticker.

So almost immediately someone came up with the above. Heh.