Sunday, May 07, 2006

Kos is Kooky.

I was reading his piece in the Washington Post about Hillary and the Democratic party and his view of the Bush administration wondering how long it would take me to blog about how ridiculous most of what he wrote was, then I saw that Powerline had done it for me.

*I wanted to add this though. It seems both the right and the left seriously underestimate Hillary. This, my dear friends, is the black magic woman. If you don't think she can win, then you are deluding yourself. Every move she has made in the Senate has been calculated for the moderate view with her eyes on the prize.

Let's face it, she has a political genius as a husband/political partner/fundraiser/star power partner. (a scumbag, yes, but a political genius nontheless)

This road was mapped out long ago. She will squash the Kossacks with her big toe like a fat grandma on a midnight roach. She will get the nomination and she will woo America with her "moderate" views without ever letting the wolf peek out from behind the sheep's clothing.

And you guys wonder why I am for McCain......

Update: Kos is Kooky II.